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Christopher " Cadence " Michael Colvin
Home / Christopher " Cadence " Michael Colvin

Christopher " Cadence " Michael Colvin

Feb 11, 1982 May 28, 2023

Christopher was the first born to Michael Robert Colvin and Terri Robin Daniels in Salt Lake City Utah on February 11th, 1982. Later when they divorced, Terri and her children were blessed with William Blair Jr. who she married. He then stepped into being Christopher's loving Stepfather. Christopher also survived by many Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Best Friends. (Click “Photos” or “See 62 Photos)

Christopher being the big brother to Chante' and Danielle, took pride in being the shielding protector and guide for exciting adventure. Anyone who messed with or was of interest in his sisters, had to go through big brothers’ observation, whether they realized it or not, he was there, ready to set them straight. Through night games in the neighborhood, fort building, bike riding through the gravel pit, all the interested ladies, and parties, Chris was a bit of an idol even in his youth. Even so, he carried himself with such elegance, respect and humility. So grounded and in tune.. he was very aware. There's just something about him that is undeniably interesting, intriguing and unique. Christopher often left his teachers in awe with his level of intelligence and way outside of the box perspectives. He would come home from school, put on classical music to do his homework and ace anything that was put in front of him. Of course, after, he would thoroughly enjoy beating anyone up to battle him at a video game, because those were his never-ending jam! He always had the next best video gaming system available. He was very technical and crafty in his approaches and sought to problem solve. For sure picked up the need for cleanliness, organization and details from his mother. His hair do’s and fashion statements however, were all his own. Other interests of his were history, human behaviors, different cultures, foreign languages, freedom of speech, natural medicines, nature, ancient symbols, pyramids, sacred geometry, science, the elements, energy, frequencies and what all exists in the atmosphere and galaxies.. Very eager to educate himself on anything that he could to then pass down unto others to utilize as wisdom. He told his baby sister "DeeDee, one day we will be ruling galaxies!" The way he often communicated was by relaying messages of a deeper knowing, not always received, but definitely intrigued by all, opening minds regardless. Chris was comfortable in his own skin and able to master the art of solitude but on the other hand, was also very much an outgoing people person. Always showing up lending a helping hand or even willing to have a conversation with a stranger, because he personally knew sometimes that’s all someone needs, is to be acknowledged. He got people thinking.. and for sure got people laughing! The way he articulated and used words such as bruv, mate and cheers, you would think he descended from the United Kingdom.

Chris was one of the older cousins of the families and it was always a serious fun blast anytime we all came together for holidays or birthdays. The wild, sometimes rebellious and hilarious rambunctious fun we all had growing up with him in our lives, will forever impact our souls. His father Michael taught martial arts, airbrushed, played guitar, also built, sold and raced cars.. so of course, Christopher would find those areas thrilling and excel in them as well! Terri, his mother was the neighborhood Mom putting on functions, providing a safe yard to play in and eat delicious food at; and from taking on those traits himself, he knew how to cook and create space for people to come together. It is in his blood to be of service, so naturally he became a leader in whichever community he was a part of. All different kinds of individuals he embraced and befriended. Like any other popular boy growing up in the 80's and 90's though of course came some fights.. mostly him standing up for the underdog or for something he believed in. Chris was as smart as they came though, he could literally school someone in just one sentence if need be, leaving them speechless reevaluating like 'what just happen, who am I?' It was seriously incredible to watch how he navigated the world around him and challenged societal norms. During those times growing up in 'the gravel pit' the first nickname given to him was "Kid Colvin." It was that Kid his peers referred to that could dance and entertain like no other witnessed before! Those moves! Like his sisters, when they danced, they became the music. A generational gift per say. Drawing crowds in and raising the energy up was his thing. He was a trend setting path merger. This enticed the ladies.. and when he was in a relationship, man, he gave dedicated love in true gentleman fashion. He also had profound artistic abilities. People would often pay Christopher to draw and paint on the brims of their hats or for their business logos and apparel. His work was very precise, eccentric and raw. Involved in Dream Land, art in the park and drum circles galore. He was creative, ambitious, inventive, prompt, intuitive, exploratory, organized yet free spirited and wise beyond this realm~ Those very traits he took throughout his life and explored further into. Whatever he was passionate about, would be acknowledged, heard and executed. Drawn to the big music scenes and naturally integrating into them, he became a well-known and sought after Electro House, Indie Dance and Drum & Bass DJ. 'Kid' transitioned into 'DJ Pain', representing and expressing his inner battles and certain traumas he experienced through the music he created and shared. From organizing and putting on shows, Chris found this talent of his to be a deeper way of connecting to others also going through the motions of life, all while becoming one with the beats and vibrations celebrating existence. This got him traveling to other states and entertaining his curiosity for what else was out there to add to his human experience. In 2006, Christopher's father Michael passed away, adding to the heart ache of unresolved scenarios. Afterwards, however, Chris was gifted with a nephew Ross, by his sister Chante'. Chris found peace in and was exceptional at being an uncle.

Eventually however, eager to begin a journey of processing events, he gravitated out to Humboldt County California. There he stepped into finding his new rhythm and shifted into becoming 'Conductor Cadence.' This new identity assisted him evolving into a new flow, pulse and tempo of life. Working and living in Humboldt expanded his views and allowed him to lean into a culture that felt more like his lifestyle. Fascinated by the redwood trees, openness of souls, simplicity in living, he blended in and adapted perfectly well. Humboldt fully embraced DJ Cadence into their community and trusted him with their ways of working. He even brought out his sister Danielle for a few months to show her other cultures beyond home. While these few years of growing and thriving were necessary, Cadence endured a traumatic brain injury while out there, and soon would return home to embark on a challenging journey in search of healing while encountering overwhelming realizations. Because see, Chris would carry others pain for them, and was determined to decipher which was pieces were his own and which were others. His mother Terri would welcome him home, help him through the epiphanies and nurture him to the best of her abilities. Unfortunately in 2017 however, Terri passed away. With assistance from his stepfather Bill, Chris would continue to fight on alongside his family and day one friends, still showing up to be a huge part of and role model in his nephew Ross' life. The life skills and insightful knowledge Chris passed down to Ross would assist Ross in shaping into the academically thriving, evolving, artistic, and strong boy he is today.. and of course, influencing his musical tastes. Ross looked up to his only uncle and learned much from him. Christopher still yearning for new purposes and answers, would continue to travel free spirited to different states and eventually land in Portland Oregon. Getting situated, and accepted into college, he would excel in the area of engineering with straight A's, NASA wanting to hire him when his degree was to be completed! At this time sister Danielle was blessed with a baby girl, EvaRae, so, on school breaks, Christopher would come home to spend time with his best friends Steven + Jessica, cousins + aunts, and now new niece EvaRae. Being able to witness and be involved in both his sister’s recovery journeys was much needed. How the three siblings recovery timing aligned was clearly in part assisted by the parental spirit’s energy work on the other side. He had a very special relationship with his niece, bonding over the love for feeling beats through bass, eating yummy foods and seeing who could be the loudest! EvaRae adored her 'Uncle Kish' and kept him going with rambunctious energy and hilarious moments.. very characteristically similar those two. Trips to St. George to visit sister Chante' were had with the family and he'd get to witness Ross and EvaRae's important milestones. Chris would also utilize this time to receive comfort, reassurance and grounding wisdom from his stepfather Bill, who supported him unconditionally throughout his entire adult life, no matter what the circumstances, he could count on Bill as a parent.

In May of 2023 Chris unexpectedly passed away while living in Portland. The absence of his physical presence has been a major loss to everyone he graced, in the fields he worked in and amongst the communities he contributed to. Honorably his legacy will be carried on through his only nephew and niece. His mental anguish is relieved, and his spirit has transitioned into an all embracing love with light. Christopher has transcended into reuniting not only with his birth parents, but also many friends and extended family members on the other side. He is now able to incorporate all the elements into his ongoing creations of sounds and music, to dance and conduct his movements through the spaces and planes beyond this dimension. Believe that he is still accessible, just in a different form, when you are needing to speak with him, he is listening, sending signs and messages.. looking after us.. content and thoroughly enjoying his furthered abilities granted by his higher self. - Love, Danielle

Now, a message written by Chante’ :

Shits creakage paddlin' doomage Bruv! -Chris

We are not broken, we are pieces of the universe. Stars that were shattered to create countless souls. Each unique in our way. Our life is created by fitting other souls with ours. The mosaic, designed to give us a sense of belonging. To give us purpose, family, and friendship. Our mosaic is more stunning and colorful because you have been a part of our life’s art piece. Stay wild and free beautiful brother. We will love you beyond what little time this life had to offer us. You are in the loving arms of mom and dad, in the presence of a loving God and forever saved.

CELEBRATION of LIFE will be held on:

July 6th 2024 at Hidden Valley Park (outdoor pavilion)

2860 (East) Wasatch Boulevard

(11700 s)

Sandy, UT 84092

Please arrive between 10:30 and 11:00 am..

Services and Ceremony will begin at 11:00 am .


From the intersection of 1700 E. and Wasatch Blvd, proceed eastbound on Wasatch Blvd. to approximately 2800 E. The park is located on the southeast corner as the road bends to the north. From the north, from the intersection of Wasatch Blvd and Little Cottonwood Rd, travel southbound on Wasatch Blvd. to the western bend in the road, which is approximately 11700 S. The park is located on the southeast corner. The parking lot access is on the east side of the street.

Feel free to bring fold/camp chairs or blankets for the grass in case the park benches fill up with guests beyond the pavilion.

Overflow parking can park at the Church just below the pavilion.

Personal Information

Cause of Death
Masters in Music and Dance, Engineer
Religion and Beliefs
Spirit Energy + Vibrational Frequencies

Life Story Info

Post Date
Jul 5, 2024
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