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Deloris "Dee" Ellen West Smith
Home / Deloris "Dee" Ellen West Smith

Deloris "Dee" Ellen West Smith

Jun 16, 1929 Oct 10, 2023

How do you sum up a beautifully full life of 94 years into a few paragraphs?

I am Woman (A Poem by Deloris E. Smith)

I am Woman, thus I must stand tall. Silently waiting to encompass all Truth and Gospel knowledge. Charity from the Heart. Love for life and beauty. Hands that serve, are part. Happiness in family. Courage to endure. Joy in life Eternal. Exaltation to ensure.

Deloris was reunited with her life long love and partner for eternity, Delmer, on October 10th 2023.

T’was a cloudless calm fall morning when Deloris passed today

Ascended straight to heaven as was always to be the way

She met with friends and family reminiscing of her stay

Then found her aching heart had kindly gone astray

She celebrated among the angels as all did softly pray

All because two people fell in love.

Welcome honored guest, Delmer softly did convey.

Written by Danny Thomason (son in law) shortly after she passed.

Born to loving parents Clyde LeRoy West and Mildred Holloway Hood West, on June 16th 1929 in Long Pine, Nebraska. Deloris was the second oldest in the family of five girls.

Times were difficult in that era with work hard to come by, so Deloris’ family moved quite frequently. This created a resourcefulness that she carried throughout her long life. When her mother became ill, it was left to the older girls, Rosemarie and Deloris to handle household chores and finances. She became very good at both. Foraging for food in wooded areas around their home in Washington state, Deloris became very found of mushrooms and berries, especially strawberries. She loved strawberries! To earn a little money when she was young, her Daddy would give them each a penny for every pesky tomato worm they could remove from the garden. That meant they could buy some penny candy when they went to town. Every once in a while, her Daddy would bring home a Hersheys chocolate bar for the girls to share. Each was given a few squares and they kept them on a block of ice in the ice box to make them last awhile. Thus the love for chocolate was born in Deloris that she held dear unto her last days. When she was given a See’s chocolate for a treat you could see her whole face light up with the anticipation of the deliciousness.

Because of her mother’s health, the family moved to Phoenix Arizona, where she graduated from High school and started working. She held several different jobs such as office work, telephone operations, copy making and proofreading. Phoenix is also where she met Delmer. They began dating, but Delmer joined the Air Force and was Stationed in Tucson, Arizona, but they remained in touch.

Deloris went to California to be with her older Sister Rosemarie, and worked for a while at an Insurance Company. On returning to Phoenix, (Delmer had been stationed there) they started dating again, and when he proposed, she excepted. They were married in April of 1948. They bought a trailer, so they could have an home wherever Delmer was stationed, and started their family. As Delmer was in the Air Force, they traveled extensively and Deloris always enjoyed and valued the area they were in. Learning of the culture, food and ethics of the people, Mom embraced it all and learned from the experiences.

As they began raising a family, they felt something missing. After exploring several denominations, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints had the answers. They joined the church and later were married in the Salt Lake City Temple for time and all eternity and their five children sealed to them. They were devoted to their belief, and served in various church callings, most rewardingly a proselyting mission to New Zealand with her beloved Delmer and later together as Ogden Temple workers. Deloris had a strong testimony and shared it often.

Deloris embraced the cultures and people where ever they were. She learned to ice skate, square dance, sew, quilt, arrange flowers, and even hula. In later years she would invite grandchildren over to share. Living on a small farm, she would can and bottle fruits and vegetables. Fruit leather was always a favorite treat for everyone. Deloris always appreciated and enjoyed flowers. It was charming to see the fresh flowers Delmer picked for her and she had arranged on the kitchen counter.

Deloris loved her family very much. Every child (5), all the grandchildren (26), great grandchildren (77) and great great grandchildren (5). Because of her love of reading, Christmas’ would be special with hand picked books for all, a traditional play with the all the kids playing parts of the birth of Christ, and a beautiful dinner. Gingerbread houses were a fun activity as well. She made sure to have plenty of candy on hand, as most was eaten before it could be attached to the house. Playing Mrs. Santa for gatherings was a favorite for her as well. She made beautiful costumes for Delmer (Santa) and herself. Easter was special too with egg hunts and all the little ones in the yard looking hard for those fun treat filled eggs.

In the last years, she enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the mountains and wildlife in Huntsville Utah, peaceful surroundings and excellent care from Mike and Coleen. Lots of time for reading, putting puzzles together, painting and just relaxing.

Mom, we miss you. Everyday, every hour, every minute, but we are overjoyed that you, at long last, are reunited with your soulmate, family and friends. Basking in the wonders of the hereafter, knowing now what was planned for all. We have cherished the time spent with you, surrounded by your beautifully creative spirit. We appreciate the lessons you’ve taught us, and strive to be the unique and free spirited soul that can be united with you and all our loved ones again. Peace be with us all.

Friends and Family are invited to a Celebration of Life at

11:00 am

November 4th 2023

Clearfield North Stake Center

151 N 1000 W

Clearfield, Utah 84015

Deloris is survived by sons R. Michael Smith (Coleen), Charles L. Smith (Julie), daughters Sheryl L. McKay (Don), Susan D. Thomason (Dan), and Kathleen M. P. Hartley (Marvin). Grandchildren (27), Great Grandchildren (77),and five Great Great Grand Children.


Celebration of Life

Clearfield North Stake Center

Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

151 North 1000 West
Clearfield, UT 84405

Personal Information

Long Pine, NE US
Cause of Death
Huntsville, UT US
Religion and Beliefs
Latter-day Saint
High School
Phoenix Union High School

Life Story Info

Post Date
Oct 17, 2023
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