My sister left us 10 years ago. In Tucson, Arizona, she could not survive the devastation of Renal Cell Carcinoma. We remember her enthusiastic personality, vibrant energy, always curious and full of adventure. We treasure these wonderful memories. Her life was full: raised in Ashton, Idaho, graduated from Utah State University and was a member of Tri Delta Sorority. She had a long career in Administration with the Federal Government, retiring and enjoying years of travel. Along the way her daughter was born, Tracie Kirkham, providing much joy to her life. She chose to be cremated, scattering her ashes in places she loved. She is laid to rest in Pingree Center Cemetery, Parkham, Piscataquis County, Main USA, next to her husband of thirty five years, Galen Bridge. She is also remembered in Ashton, Idaho, Pineview Cemetery, next to her parents, Vere and Pearl Daniels. Each day we miss her.